Judy KlassEight of Judy’s full-length plays have been produced onstage. Another has been produced as a podcast/Zoom play. Cell is published by Samuel French/Concord. Country Fried Murder won the S.O.P.S. Award. Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One won the Dorothy Silver Award. Thirty-six of Judy’s one-act plays have been produced onstage, many with multiple productions. Three of her short plays are published by Brooklyn Publishers. Many of her short plays have been streamed/filmed lately. Two are on The Shelter Plays platform. and some have become podcasts. Her short plays have been published in the Rockhurst Review, Seven Hills Review, the anthologies Soundtrack Not Included, The Art of the One-Act – and one is in press in The Best New Ten-Minute Plays 2021. Three of Judy’s full-length plays, and her original musical Senator Scrooge, will be produced over Zoom in 2021.
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