Louis JohnsonIn June ’14, his play “The Lepers of Orchard Park” was produced in the Fade to Black Play Festival in Houston, Tx. Also in June ’14, “Remember This: Words from an Angry Young Man” had a staged reading in the Reverend Al Sharpton’s National Action Network’s Gun Violence Awareness play reading at N.A.N headquarters in New York. In August ’14, his play “Papa” was produced in the Stage Black Play Festival in New York City and Dallas, Tx. In December ’14, “The Nag” premeired in the “6’10 Festival of AfricanAmerican Plays” in Louisville, Ky. In August ’15, Colors of Community presented a staged reading of “A Bullet for Jenny King” at the Museum of Contemporary African Diaspora Art (MoCADA) in Brooklyn, NY. In October ’16, “Old Man Cleans His Gun” had a staged reading in the Shades of Black Theatre Festival held at the Darkhorse Theatre in Nashville, Tn. He has written for The Rhythmic Lounge magazine and is the lead writer/co-creator of the web-series, “The Thrill of the Kill”@ likemindscreative.com. “T.O.T.K” was an official selection of Phoenix Comicon Film Festival 2017 in Phoenix, Az., May 25-28, 2017. In February ’18, Louis was selected to be a Fellow at the Tennessee Playwright’s Studio in Nashville, Tn. In November ’18, his play “NEC Compuncti: (No Remorse)” had a staged reading in the Tennessee Playwright’s Studio’s Fall Festival of Plays at the Darkhorse Theatre in Nashville, Tn. In May/June ’19, he directed his one-act play, “A Bullet for Jenny King” in ACT ONE Theatre Company’s One Act Wednesdays at the Darkhorse Theatre in Nashville, Tn. In January ’20, his new play, “Makin’ Bond” will have its’ first staged reading in The Fade-to-Black Reading Series in Houston, Tx. In February ’20, he will direct his play, “Oh, the LIES we’ve told” In ACT ONE Theatre Company’s One-Act Play Festival at the Darkhorse Theatre in Nashville, Tn. email: [email protected]
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